For over 145 years, the work of the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus has been based on the idea of giving children a good start in life so they can grow up to be self-determined and responsible adults. In this spirit, we at the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus train educators and are responsible for over 40 child and youth welfare facilities in Berlin.
The following are all part of the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus:
- the Vocational School for Social Pedagogy – School with a European Profile
- the Specialised Secondary School for Health and Social Work
- the Vocational School for Social Pedagogical Assistance
- 9 day-care centres
- all-day areas in 7 primary schools and 2 secondary schools
- 6 family centres/neighbourhood centres
- a family counselling centre at 2 different locations
- facilities for open child and youth work
- the ”Unbezahlbar” (“Priceless”) volunteer agency
- youth social work at schools
- nature and handicraft education in cooperation with primary and secondary schools
- day groups: working and learning/Bethanien primary school project
- learning support in accordance with the BuT education and participation package/help with homework
- educational ambassadors in day-care centres, schools and districts
- the “Koralle” therapeutic residential groups for young people
Our profile
Part of the unique profile of the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus is that it is home to both training centres and hands-on facilities. Our Vocational School for Social Pedagogy and the Specialised Secondary School for Social Work are located on the historic campus of the PFH in the heart of the Schöneberg district.
The school buildings are surrounded by numerous hands-on PFH facilities such as day-care centres, all-day care facilities or neighbourhood and family centres, which cooperate with the schools involved in a lively and inspiring way. Due to its international focus, the PFH’s specialist school is called “Vocational School for Social Pedagogy – School with a European Profile”.
Our facilities, our pedagogical staff and the contents of the training are inspired by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as the protection of children and young people. We oppose exclusion and discrimination of all individuals, families or groups on the basis of their ethnicity, origin, language, religion or ideology, disability, age or sexual orientation.
The Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus is a member of the non-profit registered organisation Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin and the Charta der Vielfalt (“Diversity Charter”).
Early Excellence
The PFH became known, among other things, through its transfer of the Early Excellence approach from the UK to Germany in 2000. Early Excellence describes the goal of creating the best possible conditions so that children and adults can learn and develop. Various methods and procedures were developed for this purpose, and we use them in our facilities. Today, all PFH facilities are guided by this concept and the training centres have incorporated the principles of Early Excellence into their curriculum. Numerous hands-on facilities offer consultations on the Early Excellence approach and receive visiting professionals from all over Germany and other countries.